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정보 십자군 국가의 화려한 의식주

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십자군 국가의 화려한 의식주 | 엠봉

The dresses worn in time of peace were rich and gay, and increased in magnificence as wealth increased. They were often inherited, and all men were expected to dress according to their rank, and not to ape their superior. The dresses also appear to have been long and loose, with wide sleeves, and lined with fur, which has always been prized in the East, though the short cloak of Anjou also belongs to the twelfth century. The Latin ladies were equally magnificent, in long trained dresses with long wide sleeves. The tall slight figures, with plaited locks hanging to the waist from either shoulder, are known from the monuments. The baronesses were decked in samite and cloth of gold, with pearls and precious stones.

The life of both knights and ladies in the castles was perhaps less dull in Palestine, where the winter nights were not so long, than in Europe. Gloomy and bare as the great halls and turret chambers now appear, they were at least cool in summer and warm in winter, because of the thickness of their walls. The light of the wax torches, tapers, and lamps, was dim; but few read, and usually they went to bed early, and so enjoyed the early dewy dawn. There were, moreover, rich Oriental hangings, and wondrous Persian carpets, and pillows of silk and down, to beautify their bowers ; and all the glorious art and colour of the East was at their service. They drank from chaced goblets of silver and gold crusted with gems, and enjoyed the baths of the castle, and the noonday siesta.

The chateau of Beirut close to the sea, looked out on the bay on one side and on the gardens round the city on the other. A floor of mosaic in the hall represented waves: the walls were veneered with marble: the vaulted roof was painted like the sky. A marble fountain stood in the midst, and a dragon disgorged a stream from its mouth. Large windows let in the sea breeze, and the coolness of the chamber was delightful in summer. Acre, and Tyre, and Antioch were full of palaces, on whose roofs the noble ladies walked in crowns of gold.


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